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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

"I Need A Fix, Man!"

So it turned out that Ivalice needed saving first. I finally beat Final Fantasy 12 on Monday.

I won't give a full review, since the game has been out for awhile. My summary of the experience is that although the lack of customization for camera control nearly put me off the game, after sticking with it I came to greatly enjoy the new battle system.

Graphics and sound were superb and the design of Ivalice and all its monsters was very enjoyable.

The story did nothing for me, however, and I didn't care a single bit about the characters. Too much politics for my taste.
In the end it's a 9.0 out of 10.

My biggest problem now(well,"biggest" is a gross overstatement, I suppose) is video game withdrawal! I've gone back and picked up where I left off about a year ago on Final Fantasy 8 (had to read a game script online to remember what was going on in the story) and I'm enjoying that, but I'll still be looking for a new PS2 RPG.

Although I'm digging Diablo 2 and Bard's Tale (PC and PS2), I'm in the mood for a more traditional RPG that's not as much in the "action RPG" genre.
Guess I'll see what's at the used bookstore while I get comics today!

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