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Friday, July 20, 2007

Knights of the Dinner Table

If you play paper and pencil RPGs, you owe it to yourself to at least give this book a try.

I was given a trade paper-back of collected issues a number of years back, and it wasn't long until I was a monthly buyer.

Knights of the Dinner Table, or "KODT", is a comic/magazine featuring comic strips that chronicle the on-going fun and oddities of a gaming group. If you are a part of gamer culture, you'll find several characters in here that remind you of people you know. Sometimes the strips are laugh out loud funny. Other times, they're just very interesting.

Like many fans of the book, I'll always remember when the GM told the players they see a "Gazebo" in front of them. Not knowing what it was and not interested in showing their ignorance, the players chose to assume it was a monster and began hacking away at it. The GM simply kept them up to date on how much damage they were doing, letting them know each round that the gazebo "is still standing".

For awhile, when I didn't have a gaming group of my own, this book helped me feel connected to the world of gaming, and even let me enjoy a few of the antics that come with role-playing.

The book also comes loaded with gamer stuff like reviews of games, industry news and other fun stuff that gamers will dig.

So do yourself a favor and check it out!

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