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Monday, July 30, 2007

Sunshine (Movie Review)

You may have not heard of this movie. It's distributed through "Fox Searchlight", which usually showcases independent films. But there's nothing "indie" about the production value on this flick. Great actors, sets and special effects, although this isn't a summer CGI filled popcorn flick.

The sun is dying, and 8 astronauts are sent on a mission to re-ignite it. Many elements of this film are nothing boldly new. You may be reminded of "Mission to Mars", or "Red Planet" a few times, but it's not so blatant to make the movie unenjoyable by any stretch. It's a sci-fi suspense thriller, with some possible supernatural elements, although the audience is asked to decide that on their own.

If you enjoyed "Event Horizon", but don't wish to be scarred that horrifically ever again, you'll really enjoy "Sunshine". Cilian Murphy (28 Days Later, Batman Begins) and Chris Evans (Fantastic Four, Cellular) are the two "stars" in this ensemble cast. All the actors perform very well, and the directing and eerie score keep you on edge for much of the movie.

With the lack of publicity this movie has, there's a chance it will come and go from your theater quickly, but if you like sci-fi thrillers or any of the other movies referenced above, you won't want to miss "Sunshine".


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