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Friday, August 3, 2007

"Mindset" became too "set in his mind".

Another great episode this week on the sci-fi channel's "Who Wants To Be A Superhero".
I wondered where "Mindset" would end up in the grand scheme of the competition. I became a little nervous for him in the pilot episode when he said that he was a "thinking" superhero, since that is a super-power that CAN exist in the real world, and unlike "Parthenon's" magical bracelet powers, "Mindset" would be vulnerable to very real criticism if his power failed to operate during challeneges.
Lucky for him, he never had the chance to betray any weakness in his knoweldge, as it appeared his pride and desire to be right took him out of the show.
In the post show interview he admits that pride is a sin he deals with, but was not ready to admit that his actions on the show were motivated by pride.
Although I can't know his or anyone's heart, as a prideful person myself I can say that he was at least showing a few of the symptoms.
Still, like feedback mentioned in the aftershow interview with Mindset (, I thought his costume was great.
This episode also showcased one of the very few elements of this reality series that I don't like. "Stan Lee is always right." In the opening credits, Stan Lee is blatantly labeled "the greatest comic book author of all time." Yikes. I'll give him credit as possibly the greatest "creator" of comic book superheroes, but not the best author.
Last season, when someone didn't like the new costume Stan personally designed for them, they lied and said they liked it. But Stan found out the truth and counted it against him, saying that he should have been honest, like a hero of integrity.
However, last night when "Hyper-strike" graciously but honestly said he preferred his old cosyume to the new one, Stan said that he appreciated his honesty, but later on told him that his lack of "flexibility" toward change was a sign of immaturity! So I guess there's just no way to win this one.
That's yet another reason why I would suck on this show. I would have said something stupid like, "Um, I think yer cool and all, but whoever said you were good at designing costumes? Didn't Steve Ditko create all the costumes and do all the art for your comic books in the 60's?"
Yeah... I would have lasted real long on this show...

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