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Monday, November 26, 2007

No School Like The Old School!

Lately I've been looking for an RPG fix that doesn't require a ton of time or a large amount of thinking.

Normally, this kind of game just doesn't exist, but while our son is still in his fairly time-intensive "newborn" months, I don't have the time for a really involved epic quest of grand strategies and detailed plans.

So what have I found? You guessed it! Old school rpgs! And I mean REALLY OLD school. I'm going back to the 8-bit nintendo (or remakes of some classic 8-bit games) for the experience I'm looking for. And I gotta say, these games hold up pretty well, even in their original incarnations. (I'm playing one 8-bit RPG classic and am totally addicted!)

So now I'm thinking of making the Ninetendo DS or Gameboy Advance my next system of choice. Better go see what the prices on e-bay look like!


Anonymous said...

Chrono Trigger! Get Chrono Trigger! Failing that, Terranigma or any of the *reeeeaaaaaally old* Final fantasy games.

Anonymous said...

Chrono Trigger is totally bomb. Played it on the SNES and I still own it for both the SNES and PS1.
Never heard of Terranigma. I'll have to do a search on it!