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Monday, May 5, 2008

Dune: Reading, Whispering or "Hurting"

I picked up a used copy of the "Extended Edition" of David Lynch's "Dune" movie from the 80's. Y'know, I think I've only seen the extended version. I started watching the theatrical version and it had some stuff that's oddly missing from the extended version and that I totally dig! Although I'll have to get my money back because of defects I discovered, I probably won't feel the need to find another copy of the extended version.

I'm also keeping my eye out for the sci-fi channel version(with William Hurt) in the director's cut. I think both versions really have their merits. The "sci-fi" version doesn't have any stupid "mental whispering", but it also lacks the dark visual style of the Lynch movie, which I love!

Maybe my perspective will change after I finally read the book. I picked up a copy yesterday and plan to read it after I finish the book I'm currently working on. I tested out the first chapter and was pretty impressed! It felt character focused and not so obsessed with "world building". We'll see if that continues however. If the movies are any indicator, I've got a long, complicated way to go.

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