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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Some "Heroic" Advice

On Monday's episode of "Heroes", Matt Parkman strayed from "likable everyman" to cookie-cutter spiritual guru. Or at least his writers did.

While trying to convince the speedster that she needed his help, he said:

"Forget your thoughts! What is your heart telling you to do?"

How many times do we all need to hear this slogan before we actually realize how insanely stupid it is?

It sounds really nice, and "feels right", doesn't it? Well of COURSE it "feels right" to follow my heart! If following my heart means suspending rational thinking, the only thing left is emotion. "Do what feels good." But how can this be universally good advice when some people feel good about shooting their parents, or beating up their wives?

If we break this statement down, it means "do what gives you immediately pleasurable emotions or experiences". How can any marriage last given that philosophy? How can anyone be disciplined in anything following that advice?

Is following my heart good when my heart wants to be selfish and think of me first?

We use this slogan because it feels good. And when writers are telling a story, they want their audience to enjoy it and feel good. But we can't take this philosophy and apply it to life.

Don't get me wrong. We shouldn't abuse and neglect ourselves. But to place "follow your heart" above rational, careful and reasoned decision making, even when you aren't sure what to do, is a solid way to screw up your life.

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