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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Boycotting Animals

Gorilla Grodd, an evil genius Gorilla that can talk and build ray guns and stuff, is being featured in this week's issue of Superman/Batman, but I'm not buyin'. I sneaked a look at the last page to confirm it was a self-contained, one-shot story, and felt zero loss about not picking up the book this month.
I hate talking animals. I hate them. That's just all there is to it. And talking animals in comics makes me feel like I'm watching the disney channel.
I usually hate movies that feature animals, too. Horse movies, dog movies, cat movies. Even if they don't talk, I hate when a story revolves around an animal. I just don't get it.
The End.


Alan said...

OK, so not a fan of Captain Carrot? -- Alan

Anonymous said...

Good grief, no. At least not in mainstream DC continuity. Grant Morrison had him show up in a panel of "Final Crisis" and I about lost my mind.

My apologies to all fans of the "Captain" out there.