Paeter is no longer posting to this blog. His new reviews and thoughts on geek entertainment (including all those previously posted here!) can now be found conveniently organized and archived at The Spirit Blade Underground!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Back On Track With Dragon Age!

Well, I decided to go ahead and re-start my game last week, playing without the disfunctional downloadable content (that EA STILL has not addressed) and without connecting to the internet, so that I'll be able to play Dragon Age downstairs on our new TV if I want. Replaying the first six hours of the game was not tedious AT ALL! I was surprised at how much fun it all was even the second time around with the same character class and everything!
Over the weekend I found some extra free time and had two 3 hour+ game sessions, which I haven't had in a loooong time. But this is SO the game for long game sessions! I haven't enjoyed a game this much since... well, "Neverwinter Nights"! (also by bioware)
I also installed the game to my 360 hard drive (about 6-7 gigs I think). Although it doesn't help much or at all with load times, the console is much quieter and hopefully generating less heat, so I can keep having a few more of these longer game sessions as I find the time.

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