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Monday, November 15, 2010

Morrowind: Console To PC

I've been enjoying "Elder Scrolls: Oblivion" so much on my 360 that I have begun the search for the "Game Of The Year" edition of "Elder Scrolls: Morrowind" as well.

I've been through a number of video and text reviews for the game and understand that it falls short in several areas compared to "Oblivion". Graphics, of course, though still a great looking game. Not fully voiced, which may actually be a plus for me, based on the my disappointment with the voicing in Oblivion. NPCs are static in their behavior and the journal is poorly organized.

The only one of those that concerns me is the organization of the journal. From what I understand, anything but the fully patched PC version of the game uses a journal with only chronological quest entries. This means that later in the game you'll have a MASSIVE quest journal to sift through that does nothing to help you remember which quests you've completed and which you haven't and where in your endless scrolling of this journal the pertinent entries are to be found.

Nevertheless, I tried out the PC version of the game this weekend and hated the interface. Granted, I felt the same way about Neverwinter Nights the first time I played it, and it went on to become my favorite game of all time (until "Dragon Age" and "Mass Effect").

But after playing so much of Oblivion on a console, I've already established a comfort level that I want to carry over into Morrowind, given that the games are so similar. I'm hoping that whatever adjustment I need to make to the shortcomings of the journal on the Xbox version will be less than the adjustments I'd need to make to the interface on the PC.

If anyone has any thoughts about Morrowind, related to this or not, I'd love to hear them!


Ryan said...

I meant to tell you that you inspired me to reinstall Elder Scrolls Oblivion for the PC and have been having a good time at it. The only console we have at home is a WII and so far the RPG experience on it has been lacking. Unfortunatley, my laptop could not handle Dragon Age but I've heard good things. Looking at a laptop upgrade in the very near future...

Anonymous said...

Glad I could help you re-discover some gaming goodness!

Neither of my computers could handle Dragon Age (or even Oblivion) either, but I'm eventually planning to buy it for PC whenever I next upgrade a PC.

That's the only version that will allow you to play user-made content! Something that was AWESOME on Bioware's earlier masterpiece (which DA owes a lot to), Neverwinter Nights.

Seeker said...

I bit the bullet and upgraded my laptop. It was not game related, but I'm not going to complain about the perk. It should be here Wednesday...

My current laptop can barely handle Oblivion. I obtained (it fell off the truck) Umbra's armor and blade early in the game to account for the lag.

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE a justifiable excuse to upgrade my PC. Maybe I'll get "lucky" and it will destroy itself soon, but I'm doubtful. It's been treating me well for years and I expect to stay in the PC gaming stone age for a few more years to come.