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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Next Stop: Hermeneutics!

I took a day off this week for a "spiritual retreat", which proved to be just as valuable as I thought it might be.

One of the things that came out of my time "on the mountain-top" was an interest in biblical hermeneutics. (And the me from 10 years ago can't believe I'm saying that.) I've found studies in biblical apologetics, doctrine, philosophy and theology to be really valuable. But I've never buckled down with a textbook about the theory of textual interpretation of the Bible from the evangelical standpoint.

I don't have the time or finances to take any courses, but I have a growing collection of textbooks that I've used to teach myself as best I can.

I'm planning to bug my study mentor, The Hebrew-Greek Bible Geek, for a recommendation. But I'd be interested in any other recommendations on a book as well!

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