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Monday, May 16, 2011

Fallout New Vegas STILL Filled With Glitches And Bugs!

Last October, when Fallout: New Vegas came out, I already had some games I was playing on my 360. (Fallout 3 still among them.) I also heard about a ton of bugs in the game play. Game crashes, corrupted saves and players having to start games entirely over just hours from the end. So naturally I was in no rush to get a copy.

Fast forward 6 months and I'm itching for a good RPG, I've forgotten most of the New Vegas horror stories and assumed that Bethesda would have cleaned up that whole mess (at least the worst of it) with patches by now. So when I saw a new copy of the game for 20 bucks, I grabbed it and started playing. About 5 hours in, my game saves wouldn't load. After some trial and error involving removing the fourth patch (yes, I said the FOURTH patch) and re-installing the game to my 360, I was able to load my save and keep going. 13 hours in and as of last night no amount of trickery will allow me to load my saves again.

Did some checking online and it appears my problem is very widespread. Why Bethesda isn't dropping all DLC plans (they've got two or three coming out this summer) to fix these bugs yesterday is a mystery to me. Why would we buy DLC for a game we can't even load?

As a side note, I realize that it makes no sense to take jobs from DLC developers to hire more bug fixers when the DLC guys have likely already been contracted, but there's got to be SOMETHING they can drop to fix this faster!

A real shame. Even with some of the weird bugs like floating props and half-buried bad guys, it's been a great gaming experience. But with the game saves problem, it's just a ton of gaming greatness wrapped in a liquid poop tortilla.

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