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Monday, July 25, 2011

ComicCon TV Shows

As I checked out some ComiCon coverage this weekend, a few TV shows jumped out at me. Here they are with some quick links you can check out for yourself.

Once Upon A Time

A blend of fantasy and modern storytelling that has potential to be solid, serious fantasy. The only strike against it is that it’s written by the writers of Lost. (Which ABC is promoting like it’s a GOOD thing.) Not a problem, as long as they decided in advance where they’re going this time, or stay away from posing a bunch of unanswered questions.

Person Of Interest

Creepy “Ben” from Lost plays a billionaire stay at home vigilante who uses pseudo-sci-fi tech to track down bad guys. He then sends Jim Caviezel to go get ‘em. A lone tough guy story that Caviezel says takes some pages from “24”. My take? You had me at “vigilante”. Hope it’s good!

Terra Nova

According to FOX-
TERRA NOVA follows an ordinary family on an incredible journey back in time to prehistoric Earth as a small part of a daring experiment to save the human race. In the year 2149, the world is dying. The planet is overdeveloped and overcrowded, with the majority of plant and animal life extinct. The future of mankind is in doubt, and its only hope for survival is in the distant past.

I was bummed to learn it’s about dinosaurs. But the biggest threat to this show is that it’s sci-fi and showing on the Fox network. That combo= cancelled in three seasons or less.

1 comment:

Ricky said...

Once Upon A Tim: seems like it's a more serious version of Enchanted but I'm sure I'll check it out

Person of Interest is something I'm looking forward just because It's a J.J Abrams show

Terra Nova this is the first I've heard of this show so IDK about it yet plus I agree with FOX beiing the biggest threat. I haven't watched a FOX show since they canceled Tru Calling before they aired a single episode from season 2.