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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Prepping For The DC Comics Reboot

Last night I finalized the list of comics I will have pulled for my comic book store box in September. The list is significant because DC Comics is completely rebooting their continuity in September, an idea I have mixed feelings about.

But I'm willing to give it an open-minded try, and these are the comics I'll at least be buying issue number one of and why:

JLA- Written by Geoff Johns. 'nuff said.

Action Comics- Despite being written by Grant Morrison, this issue is being called the foundation of the entire new universe, so I better not miss it.

Superman- Supposed to establish the new status quo for Superman.

Superboy- I'm intrigued by the fresh approach to Superboy's existing story as a clone of Superman. It looks like it might have some things in common with his origin as presented in the "Young Justice" animated series, which I thought was cool.

Green Lantern, Green Lantern Corps and Green Lanterns: New Guardians- I'm a GL nerd. And while I'm passing on Red Lanterns until I hear good buzz, these are the titles I HAVE to check out.

Teen Titans- I love team books. And while the magic of Geoff Johns' run has never been recaptured, I'm interested enough in the core characters that I want to see how this version starts.

Savage Hawkman- Geoff Johns demonstrated that this character can be a lot more than just "the guy with wings", though the book was mishandled after he left. I'm hoping Hawkman will be re-invigorated again.

Blue Beetle- I love sci-fi heroes and loved this character's book. He is DC's "Spider-man", only with cooler powers.

Fury Of Firestorm- Love the Firestorm character concept and anything that Gail Simone even HELPS to write, I'm buying. (Except Batgirl. She's on that book, but I hate the Barbara Gordon costume and think Babs has always been much cooler as Oracle. I'll be waiting for good buzz on that one, too.)

Aquaman- This is the DC character I've MOST wanted to get "the Geoff Johns treatment". And though I see no indications that he's using the "god of water" concept that I've always thought Aquaman should have in order to make him useful on land(think "Magneto", but with H2O instead of metal), I've seen him work enough magic with lame characters that I can't wait to see what he does.

Mr. Terrific- Again, I like sci-fi characters. I've also found Terrific's atheist perspective in the DC universe odd and interesting. Love the re-vamp Johns gave him in JSA and I'm hoping this will be another step forward. (Despite the semi-lame looking costume change.)

Flash- I've always been a flash fan, especially since Mark Waid's historic run and the invention of the Speed Force for the mythos. Unless they REALLY screw things up (which has happened before), I'll follow this speedster wherever he runs.

Captain Atom- This version of the character looks like they're taking notes from Dr. Manhattan (originally BASED on Captain Atom by Alan Moore!) and early issues of the 90's Dr. Solar comic. I'm a big fan of uber-powerful characters and stories dealing with the philosophical ramifications of being that powerful.

Stormwatch- I enjoyed the early issues of the Wildstorm version of this book. A harder, darker look at "superheroes". And giving Martian Manhunter a prominent role isn't hurting anything.

Deathstroke- This character was amazing in "Identity Crisis" and I'm hoping that the book will take us on a tour of the DC universe through the eyes of Slade Wilson. Though I have no particular reason to suspect that will be the focus. But I do like villain books, and without "Secret Six" returning, this is one option for me.

Suicide Squad- If I can't have Secret Six written by Gail Simone, I'll certainly give Suicide Squad a try! (Secret Six essentially WAS Suicide Squad anyway, but without the exploding bracelets and suicide missions.)

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