Paeter is no longer posting to this blog. His new reviews and thoughts on geek entertainment (including all those previously posted here!) can now be found conveniently organized and archived at The Spirit Blade Underground!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A Golden Age Of Gaming

It's very possible that I have just hit the "Golden Age" of gaming for myself in this console cycle. By that I mean that there are more good games to play than I have time to give for them. For me it usually comes around 1/2 to 3/4 through the life of a console.

Part of the reason for the timing is that I wait until some games, which I'm not as desperate to play, have come down in price on the used games market. Part of the reason is that game producers have learned how to better use the technology of the current crop of consoles.

Usually I have a pretty even flow of gaming, playing just one game at a time and not having more than a few weeks between games, or a month if it's an especially dry spell.

Dry spells are more common than I'd like, but unavoidable when I limit myself to RPGs. But for awhile now I've had a string of games that I've really enjoyed. And with my new laptop, some other gaming options have opened up that I plan to explore. (Which may now even include World Of Warcraft, since they've gone free to play up to level 20.)

Here's a quick rundown of what I've been playing on my 360 for the first time in the last 2-3 months and what I'm looking forward to playing (or at least trying out) either on my 360 or laptop:

Two Worlds ($4.99 used at Gamestop!)
Two Worlds 2
Fable 2 ($4.99 used at Gamestop!)

(Playing Soon!)
DC Universe Online (Free to play starting October 19th!)
The Lord Of The Rings: War In The North(Action RPG by the makers of "Champions Of Norrath"? Suh-WEET!)
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrum (Wetting my pants in anticipation)
World Of Warcraft (It can't REALLY be that addictive, can it?)
Crimson Alliance
Kingdoms Of Amalur: Reckoning
Mass Effect 3

And that's just through March of 2012! Let the Golden Age begin!


Colin Snow said...

Good game list Paeter, but I must offer a word of warning concerning World of Warcraft.

It sucks you in. It really does.You might start a character Saturday at non and by the time you do manage to look at the clock it's 2am on Sunday morning...

So be careful my friend, this comes from a WoW junkie

Colin S.

Paeter Frandsen said...

Thanks for the warning! I have a feeling that if I got into, that $15 bucks a month would stop me pretty quick once I hit level 20. But I'll be cautious just the same.