Paeter is no longer posting to this blog. His new reviews and thoughts on geek entertainment (including all those previously posted here!) can now be found conveniently organized and archived at The Spirit Blade Underground!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Farscape Still Rocks!!

Farscape Rocks! Even after being off the air for six years (not counting the mini-series) this show still rises above nearly everything on television today. The special effects, both digital and physical, that went into each episode have yet to be matched in creativity.

I realized a few days ago that I haven't watched any Farscape for more than a year, and so I've started back at the beginning again for yet another trip through the uncharted territories with Moya and her crew of escaped prisoners.

I'm chomping at the bit for the webisode series to get off the ground at! (They have a page devoted to it and everything!) Hopefully the success of the webisodes will lead to another mini-series!

Hurry up, scifi! Get off your butts and prepare for immediate starburst!!

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