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Monday, February 2, 2009

Realistic Superbowl?

I thought the game was pretty good. I think the outcome was a realistic one, but the game itself swerved into some rather unrealistic moments. The match shouldn't have remained as even as it did throughout the game. I mean, I'm not sure what a "Steeler" is, but I would assume it's some kind of metal worker. Bottom line, a Steeler is a human and a Cardinal is a bird. If the rules of this game hope to realistically reflect a battle between man and bird, the rules may require some tweaking. Perhaps the incorporation of character/class stats or a bonus for humanoids would balance things a little better. Or a die roll with an accompanying bonus "to hit" after each timeout.

I can't believe so many people think this game makes sense. In a more thought-out and realistic combat simulation, it really would have been an easy encounter for the Steelers. This game needs some work.

Boy, that GI Joe trailer was cool though, wasn't it?


Alan said...

Maybe it's our age difference, but I was stoked by the "Land of the Lost" trailer. -- Alan

Anonymous said...

Ooh, yeah! That looked great too!