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Monday, August 17, 2009

Death In A Spray Tank!

I discovered this weekend that my house was a little overdue for bug spraying. (While fighting giant spiders in the "Descent" boardgame, we discovered a REAL giant spider walking across the carpet!)
So I mixed up a double dose of the hardcore stuff and sprayed both the inside and outside of my house.
There's something gratifying about seeing bugs come out of their hiding places a few minutes later, as if to apologize for intruding just before they cough twice and die.


Nathan J. Norman said...

Ok, this is going to sound like a commercial, but here goes:

The best bug killer/preventer for the home is Ortho Homeguard (White and Red bottle). The interior floor boards are sprayed first with the odorless spray, then the exterior.

What sets this apart from most other bug sprays is that it creates an invisible barrier around the home for six months (and it's waterproof). The bottle claims that the barrier lasts twelve months . . . but it's really only six.

Anyhow . . . just some FYI from a former HomeDepot guy.

Anonymous said...

Cool! I use a 1 gallon spray tank. Is this the kind of thing you mix and use in a tank like that?

Nathan J. Norman said...

Actually this stuff comes in it's own gallon spray-tank, pre-mixed, and with a spray-gun (All for around $10-15) . . . and I happen to know of a few exterminators who just transfer the stuff from the ortho tank into their own bottles.

Anonymous said...

Cool, thanks!