Today after work I will likely be finishing my second run through Final Fantasy 12. I originally decided to play it again to "get in the mood" for Final Fantasy 13, which will be released tomorrow. But as I read through multiple early reviews I found a pattern. They were all mixed.
The main complaint is that the game is EXTREMELY linear with virtually no sense of exploration for the first 20 hours. It was also said to start off a bit slow and have one very annoying (squealing high-pitched girl) character. On the plus side, reviews have all said that the story is very character driven and very well voiced and that the combat system moves one step further into beautiful, fast-moving automation.
Aside from the annoying character, I don't cringe too strongly at any of the cons and the pros sound very cool and right up my alley. I have never rented a Final Fantasy game. I go straight to buying and I've never been let down. (Although I didn't try or purchase FF 11.) That pattern won't change here. This is a must have game on my list. But the mixed reviews have made it a little less urgent for me to get, especially since my funds are limited and the expansion for "Dragon Age: Origins" will be released next week.
Dragon Age Origins is probably the most enjoyable RPG I have ever played. The expansion probably won't give me as much game time as FF13, but when given the choice between a game that will likely be very cool and an expansion to the best game I've ever played, I'm heavily leaning toward that expansion.
you should totally get FF13
am not even a quarter of the way through and I love it already
I know its linear, but honestly it isnt that bad
If I were you I would defs get FF13 coz it is soo good
get it get it get it!!!
IGN gave it a 8.9 so its pretty darn good
Good to hear, Antonio!
As I said, it's definitely a must buy for me. But I did decide to hold off and get the expansion for Dragon Age for now.
Having said that, my birthday is in the first half of April and my wife is a very smart woman...
Tough choice. I'm a huge Dragon Age/Bioware fan so I'm thinking thats the way I'm gonna go. (mind you, I'm not really a fan of Final Fantasy, but I'd like to get it out of curiosity.) My BF likes it though, got it on launch and seems to think it's good despite the weird ratings. Best advice is to ignore reviews and make up your own mind.
Yeah, I like a lot of Final Fantasy, but after reading some bad reviews, I decided to wait. I enjoy the exploration and sense of discovery, and not much into linear story in games. I would enjoy Dragon Age though, I think.
If you liked the combat style in FF12, you'd probably adapt pretty quickly to the combat system in Dragon Age.
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