After finishing the recent "Dragon Age" expansion (Awakening) I wasted no time in jumping into Mass Effect, a game I've been getting around to playing for a loooong time. I never should have waited!
When I tried the game a long time ago, I wasn't so sure about the First Person Shooter elements and some of the timed missions. Those elements usually involve me dying a lot and being frustrated at how many times I have to play the same material over and over again until I remember that I suck and give up. But after playing so many great Bioware RPGs I figured I must have judged this one too quickly before and gave it another try.
There were still some things I had to get used to. I would prefer to toggle combat menus on and off instead of holding down the left or right bumper while I navigate menus and make decisions. I also wish the menu interface was more intuitive(they don't seem to like the "back" option), although I at least knew about this element from a gamespot review going in.
Instant death landmines and thresher maws add some stress I'd rather not deal with in planet exploration, but so far I've been able to work around them with a bit of determination.
Aside from those issues, combat is extremely satisfying and challenging without being overwhelming and the visual design of this game is incredibly inspiring. (Makes me want to mix some audio drama!) Not to mention the quests are freakin' addictive! (I'll just do ONE more!)
Speaking of which, I think I've got some gaming to do!
I greatly enjoyed ME/ME2. Beyond some comfortable game-play, this series had an amazing score and a fantastic, addictive, and intriging storyline. I found myself practically compelled to play just to find out what the heck was going on. From Saren trying to bring back the Reapers to the invasion of the Collectors in ME2, I had to know what was going on. I can't wait till 2011 for ME3, the finale of the trilogy.
Me too! Me too!
(Haven't started ME2 yet, though.)
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