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Monday, May 2, 2011

Dreaming Of Dungeons

Now that I've started to go back and read through my back issues of Knights Of The Dinner Table, I am predictably getting the itch again for some old school, paper and pencil role-playing.

I spent some time yesterday looking online at various RPG systems. I'm still diggin' on HeroClix, so I don't feel a need to revisit the DC Heroes RPG, which I've run in gaming groups for years. Instead, I've got a craving for dark, visceral fantasy. Sword and sorcery and all the goodies that come with it.

The problem is that the king of fantasy RPGs, Dungeons and Dragons, is way overburdened with rules that slow things down and require WAAY to much prep time for my busy life. I've got a rules system I like for fantasy role-playing, called "Eldritch". I bought it at GenCon Indy 2008, and although I've only run two games with it, I like the system a lot. The problem with Eldritch is that is doesn't have the support materials I'd really like to have in terms of monster manuals (it has one, but with less than 20 monsters) and adventure modules.

So my options from here seem to be:

1. Learn how to convert material from D&D 4th Edition to Eldritch, which will cost lots of time and money.

2. Find rules for D&D 4th Edition "Lite". (Yes, even the rules for 4th edition are too cumbersome for my time budgeting and too detailed for my small brain.)

3. Find a completely different fantasy RPG system with rules that keep combat fast and simple and that is supported by a monster manual and plenty of pre-generated adventures to use.

Too bad I don't have a 4th option, or I could use 1d4 to decide my fate. Anybody have any thoughts on what route I should go or recommendations of games or resources to help me?


kevbayer said...

I've been told Pathfinder is a good system, as well as the D20 system.
Check out might find some recommendations there.

Paeter Frandsen said...

Well, I've got the Players Handbook for D&D 3e, which is D20, and it's much too rules intensive for me. But Pathfinder rings a bell, so I'll check that out. And Drivethrurpg is awesome! Thanks!