Although DCUO was supposed to go "Free To Play: on October 19th, the banner on the site still lists the change as "coming soon". What's up, guys?
I'm getting hosed by Xbox Live's lame security (they're STILL fixing my hacked account) and can't play the game I want to because of it.
It's still a week and a half before Lord Of The Rings: War In The North comes out, which is still just a "maybe" for me until I see reviews.
Elder Scroll 5 doesn't hit stores until November 11th!
What does DC expect me to do in the meantime? Spend money? Be productive? Read a book? Totally unacceptable.
Maybe I can use the extra time to develop my superhero character concept: Theme Music Man!
Okay, I can't take credit for that one. And if you've never read the short story, you're missing out.
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