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Thursday, September 27, 2007

Best Season Premiere

(Sorry for no pretty images. Blogger's acting strange with image uploads at the moment.)

So which TV premiere this season has me the most interested?

I've given my thoughts on "Heroes" already. On Tuesday I caught the premiere of "Reaper".
This show has some real promise. It shares some flavor with movies like Ghostbusters and The Frighteners in that it can make you laugh and also be intense. (Nothing real "scary" in the pilot, but I think there's room for it in this show.)
The casting is great, particularily for the chunky sidekick who I believe is called "sock". The devil is played very well also by Ray Wise, who some may remember as one of Clarence Boddikers henchmen in the original "Robocop". The show has some great potential , but it will depend on the regular series episode directors to continue with the bits that worked in the Kevin Smith directed pilot.

"Bionic Woman" aired on Wednesday and I was pretty pleased with the results. The effects were well done and the sound design for the "running" felt like an updated version of the original slow motion "BAH NAH NAh Nah nah na" sound effect. The acting was reasonably well done, but I have to agree with an opinion expressed on "Attack Of The Show" that Katie Sackoff's character was the most interesting person in the story. I'm assuming she'll be returning on a semi-regular basis at least for the first season, which will help the show I'm sure.

Between Heroes, Reaper and Bionic Woman I'm hard pressed to pick a favorite season premiere, but I'm gonna go with Reaper. If I had to watch only one next week, it would still be Heroes, since I've got alot more invested in that story. But for sheer originality and quality between the individual episodes this week, Kevin Smith delivered just a half-notch above the rest.

Either way, I may be in serious trouble if all three of these shows remain good enough to keep my attention. I guess it's a good thing I've finally decided to give up on that "island show". They seem to have "Lost" all sense of direction, so I'll just wait for the show to end and browse the back of the DVD set before touching that convoluted mess again.

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