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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Heroes Premiere

I was VERY pleased that Nathan Patrelli was alive and well after what would have been a needless death at the end of last season. (Peter should have been able to fly himSELF away, right?)

Speaking of Patrellis, Peter's return has me a little concerned. With a guy that can do what all the others can do, I think he takes something special away from the other characters and can too easily become the center of the show. But in this episode and in the previews for next week, I only saw him using that "energy blast" power, so if he still has the abilities of all the other heroes, at least he won't be pulling them all out at once.

I know some new heroes are coming this season, which could be cool. No red flags yet from the latino siblings. I just hope they don't feel like they've run out of stories to tell with the original heroes and so have to add more to the mix to keep things interesting. I'd rather see more development of the original characters. Don't get me wrong, I welcome the addition of new characters, but let's take it slow.

One lesson learned from the first Batman franchise of films is that more characters in each successive film, do NOT make for a better story.

I'm especially glad that Matt Parkman survived and will be a big part of the current story arc. More than anyone, I feel like he's the "everyman" in all of this, Maybe because he's the one character that doesn't have a "hollywood figure". How often does the "big boned" guy get to be a superhero?

He's also just a freakin' nice guy.

So here's a question to comment on: What super power would you like to see someone in the show have this season?

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