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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Simon Dark #1 (Review)

DC began a new book this week called "Simon Dark". The title character is a mysterious one. He doesn't remember who he is, but has a very high intelligence and superhuman strength and reflexes. He's a homeless drifter who wears a mask made of badly stitched leather (or some other type of skin?) and uses piano wire to deal out decapitating justice on the murderers of Gotham City.
The tone of writing is thought provoking and serious. The art matches with a grey, smudged style of painting.

The quality of the first issue is very impressive and has made my purchase of #2 a sure thing.

Simon is different from Gotham's primary protector in one very obvious way. Simon kills. This brings about an interesting moral issue that could stimulate discussion of justice and moral absolutes among readers. It will be interesting to see what happens when Batman runs into Simon, although I hope they wait a good long time before having the two vigilantes cross paths. I'm interested in getting to know Simon on his own terms, without making quick comparisons to other DCU characters.

Quality: 9.0/10

Veracity: 8.0/10

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