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Friday, October 12, 2007

How to make "Bionic Woman" better...

This is a pretty neat show, although I'm not sure it will be good enough for me to stay with.
The first problem is that Jaimie Summers, the lead character, is not terribly interesting. Katie Sackoff's "evil" bionic woman(Sarah Corvis) is much more complex and fascinating.
Hopefully, Sarah will be a regular cast member for at least the length of Season 1. That should give writers and producers enough time to flesh out Summers and make her more worthy of a show centered on her.
Something else that would really help the show is a new approach to the action sequences. Right now, she's kicking and punching and throwing people around, and that's cool and all, but the original "Six Million Dollar Man" and "Bionic Woman" shows were known for their slow motion sequences during action bits.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting a return to slow motion running and fighting whenever bionics are used. But a cool throwback to the original series would be to use the "bullet-time effect" made popular by "The Matrix". Not all the time, but maybe roughly once per episode. It's been the better part of a decade since the effect was used in "The Matrix" and I'm sure they could design a couple cost effective, portable camera rigs to take to various locations, where they can create a cool modern version of the classic slow motion effect that the characters are known for.
However, even if they don't go this route, I think the way this show is shot needs to be altered considerably to hold my interest. When you've got a show like "Heroes", showcasing similar or BETTER powers, something else needs to pick up the slack visually if you want to compete.
The show has promise, and I'll keep watching for now, but only time will tell if they can make the appropriate "upgrades".

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