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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

New Author!!

Okay, so Jean Rabe may not be a "new author" to some of you, but she is to me! One of my geeky dreams is to find enough authors, whose work I really enjoy, to never be without a new book to read. I've long since caught up with Terry Brook, Terry Goodkind, and the Dragonlance material by Weiss and Hickman. And hardcover books really take a huge bite out of my "fun money".
I've tried lots of different authors. Michael Moorcock, as I've mentioned here, does a fine job with the "Elric" books, although he's not one to inject much inner turmoil and conflict to his characters. I like to know alot about what my characters are thinking when I read. For the same reason R.A. Salvatore is only good for about one book at a time, at which point the focus on action over characterization becomes too much for my tastes. What little I've read of Ed Greenwood was decent in terms of writing style, although his "forgotten realms" stories seem to lack cohesive direction and he keeps introducing characters and then killing them off. (I can only remember so many names!!)
I'm hoping that Jean Rabe will continue to be the type of writer I've seen so far in "The Dawning Of a New Age". Her descriptions are detailed and interesting without going on forever (*ahem*-Robert Jordan) and she does a great job of keeping things moving while also giving us a good look at the inner thoughts and feelings of her characters.
Her style is very similar in ways to Weiss and Hickman and so far her work makes a good companion to theirs in the Dragonlance saga. I've heard there's some continuity issues between the books, but hey, I'm a comic book fan. I can take it.
So here's hoping I've found an author that will let me hold off on buying the new Brooks and Goodkind hardcovers just released, at least until I can find them used...

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