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Friday, February 8, 2008


Lately I've been thinking about reviving an RPG campaign concept that I used a few years ago. Back then we simply called it MEGS, named after the rules system we used to play it. But now I'm thinking of calling it "Crossover". The basic concept is that characters from various entertainment mediums find themselves working together, traveling through time and parallel dimensions in an effort to not only return to their homeworlds, but stop the multiverse from being destroyed by the "Paradox Wave".
So while playing in the "Crossover" setting, you might have a group of player characters consiting of:
Neo, Robocop, The Predator, Spider-man, Duncan McLeod, Anikan Skywalker and Kratos. These characters will find themselves in classic dungeon crawls, spaceship battles or modern espionage as they jump from world to world, dimension to dimension.
I'd LOVE for a game like this to be made, but trademarks being as guarded as they are, it'll never happen. But Mayfair's Exponential Game System lends itself to a wide range of genre flexibility, and many of the above characters already have unofficial stats created for them online.
Back with my old group, we had "The Terminator" in our group. And part of the rules was that he started out naked in every new world we visited. That all by itself was a source of gut wrenching laughs. He's killed(or at least knocked out) and stolen clothes from: Darth Vader, a shopping mall Santa and even Robin the boy wonder. (And yes, it was the classic green underwear and elf slippers Robin.) All you have to do is picture Arnold Schwarzenegger in either of those last two to get an idea of what the game was like sometimes.
Anyway, I've got a great DC heroes campaign going right now, but eventually my group will get through every adventure printed for that game and it never hurts to plan ahead!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God save us, I can *so* see the Terminator walking around in Robin's costume. That and I would pay large amounts of money to see him hit Darth Vader over the head.