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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Descent: The Road To Legend

I've finally got it! This weekend I managed to find one of the first copies of the new Descent expansion. I'm still working my way through the MASSIVE rulebook. I can say straight away that this expansion completely changes the game experience! It's almost overwhelming. If you were one of the people that didn't use the "order" rules until you'd played Descent a few times, you might find the rule additions and changes a little complex at first as well.

The basic play of the game is the same, and if you love Descent, I don't think this expansion will destroy your beloved gaming experience. But it WILL take some time to adjust to.

I still have two buddies that need to get through the last expansion pack before we move onto this one, but I think when they're ready, this expansion will be a welcome new experience.

I may give a more detailed review down the road once I've played the expansion some with my friends, but for now I'll say that I'm VERY impressed and excited!

Hoody hoo!

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