Paeter is no longer posting to this blog. His new reviews and thoughts on geek entertainment (including all those previously posted here!) can now be found conveniently organized and archived at The Spirit Blade Underground!

Friday, March 28, 2008

It's Really Gonna Happen!

Last night my wife and I stayed up late searching for the best flight/hotel/rental car package for our big trip out to GenCon this coming August. We weren't sure if we'd be able to pull it off. We needed to find a suite with a separate bedroom so that I can come home in the wee hours of the morning after a game and sleep in while mommy and baby do their thing in the morning.

Now before you go calling me the absentee dad, I've gotta explain that this trip is my big 30th birthday present(even though I'm actually 30 this April) and orginally I was going to go alone. But my wife really wanted to come along(mostly just to get away from her work for a week) and, understanding the nature of a game convention, knew we'd need to figure out a way for me to get the most out of such a rare event.

So mom planned all along to be a single parent for the five days of GenCon either way. (I know, isn't she awesome!) Still, I'm gonna see if I can get her to register for the Con since she'll be there anyway. You never know, I might even find a geeky game that I can hook my wife on. Now THAT would be like having GenCon every WEEKEND here at home!

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