Paeter is no longer posting to this blog. His new reviews and thoughts on geek entertainment (including all those previously posted here!) can now be found conveniently organized and archived at The Spirit Blade Underground!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Superhero Nightmares?

Sunday night I dreamed I was Bruce Wayne in a tux. On my way home, I realized that Heath Ledger, as the Joker, was slowly following me, walking from a distance. Pretty creepy. Good thing Commissioner Gordon had the Batmobile in a parking garage for me to "borrow".

Joker kept coming, now holding a balloon and saying "I've got a telegram for you." That's when you KNOW things are creepy and messed up. I mean, who gets telegrams anymore?

Although he jumped on the back of the Batmobile, I managed to swerve enough to lose him once I got the dumb thing going. I woke up VERY creeped out, but it was the kind of nightmare I wanted to go back to a little. After all, if I could just get to my suit in the Batcave...

Last night, I dreamed my wife and son were in danger from something. (Not sure what, but I knew it would require more than I had to offer.) So I asked some generic politicians nearby, "Isn't there anything we can do?" One of them pointed and said, "Dr. Bruce Banner is the only one that can do anything now." Banner's wife was nearby and so I quickly said, "what do I do?"

"You have to make him angry. Call him a coward," she added as I ran off toward him. (Guess she would know which buttons to push, huh?) So I run up to the guy and start punching him and beating on him screaming, "You fuzzy coward! You fuzzy worthless coward!!" (Only I wasn't saying "fuzzy".) Then he turned into a blond woman(his wife) just before becoming the Hulk. Dream over.

So I guess there are a couple movies I must be looking forward to, huh?


Anonymous said...

Hahaha that's great!!! I pretty much never remember my dreams. So funny! Thanks for sharing! :-) 

P.S. I know this post is really old but I was reading some of your old movie reviews and I stumbled on this, hahaha I love it!! :D

Paeter Frandsen said...

Thanks for the comment! Wow, I'd forgotten all about those dreams! Could hardly believe I even wrote that post! So that was fun to revisit. Thanks again!