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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Green Lantern Movie Script Review!!

Here's a bit of concept art for the Green Lantern movie if you haven't seen it yet. But what you should REALLY check out is this review of the script!
For those who want to go into the movie knowing NOTHING, you ought to avoid this review. However, there are no significant spoilers. Mainly what you'll learn are who the villains and supporting characters are, the kinds of locations the plot takes place in, an idea of how the rings are used, and the ideas for a few action sequences.
For those sensitive to swearing, there are a few f-bombs in this review as well.
All that said, I would HIGHLY recommend reading this if you are a long-time Green Lantern fan. You'll likely be more excited than ever for this movie to come out!

1 comment:

Alan said...

I am slightly more encouraged now.
-- Alan