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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Reading Quest Continues

As I worked my way through the first 100 or so pages of Brandon Sanderson's "Elantris" last week, I realized something that has never been true for me before. I really enjoyed this author's style, but the story didn't hold my interest. Usually I read books with lots of action and a cool world, but no character insight to keep me invested in the heroes and villains. Sanderson did a great job of bringing me into the minds of his characters. He didn't give me too many names or facts to remember. The book read very well. But it was lacking in "threat of death".

I've told my wife several times that for me to really enjoy a story, there has to be the threat of death at some point. It's escapist entertainment, so I need those intense, larger than life scenarios to make it worth my while. Courtyard politics do nothing for me. I want my characters to be in physical pain, suspecting their next moment may be their last. I want magic and swords flying all over the place, and for my characters to be emotionally involved with the combat.

So I've moved on. I picked up "Marked For Death", an EBERRON book by Matt Forbeck. It doesn't have a ton of character insight yet, but the premise has me interested. Then there's "The Verdant Passage", a DARK SUN book by Troy Denning. I'm not sold on the world yet, but Denning has a good amount of action that is accompanied by ongoing character insight. A great combination for my tastes.

I've got a week to see if I want to return one or both of these books for a full refund (I LOVE my used bookstore!) but I'm actually hoping I like them both. Each one is the first part of a trilogy, and I could use a reliable list of books to last me until "Genesis of Shannara" is in paperback.

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