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Monday, June 22, 2009

Why Can't I Cheat?

I am terrible at any game requiring hand-eye coordination. I played almost no games with any real interest when I had the original 8-bit Nintendo... until the invention of the Game Genie. Since then, cheat devices have opened up a library of games that would have been much too difficult and frustrating for me otherwise.
At one point, I started to hear a buzz that game companies like Nintendo were trying to fight against these cheat devices. I was thinking, "are you nuts? I've got five games in my collection that I only purchased BECAUSE of the Game Genie!"
As you may have guessed, I've purchased a cheat device for every system I've owned since then. Except for my 360. For some reason, I have not seen any cheat devices made yet for the 360, and it's kinda bugging me! There are some great looking games that I'd love to play, but I just don't have the required skills! Has Microsoft done this on purpose? Have they made it impossible to cheat on their games out of some misguided impression that they will save/make more money this way?
I could be wrong, but I don't see how they could lose more than they make by allowing cheat devices or even encouraging game makers to build in more cheats, as is common on PC games.
Oh well, I guess I'm trying to save money this summer anyway.

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