Paeter is no longer posting to this blog. His new reviews and thoughts on geek entertainment (including all those previously posted here!) can now be found conveniently organized and archived at The Spirit Blade Underground!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Forsaking Television?

Okay, "forsaking" may be overstating things. Alot. But I'm a little amazed at how easy it has been to stop watching Heroes, Legend Of The Seeker, V, and any other show currently on TV that might normally have me fixated.

I don't think I like television less. Maybe I just have less time, and there aren't any shows currently on that are worth giving an hour to. (Or even 40 minutes with cut commercials)

Instead, I find myself reading fiction even more than has been typical of me over the last two years. That and playing video games, but I've been a pretty consistent gamer for a decade or so now.

Maybe I'm just waiting for the next "Farscape" or "Battlestar Galactica" to demand my attention. Or maybe my interests are just changing.

Anyone have thoughts on the state of sci-fi/fantasy/horror fiction in the world of television? Is it losing polish, remaining the same, or getting better?


Unknown said...

We got rid of our TV a few months ago. Ican honestly say neither my wife, my daughter or myself have missed it much. We were just getting a little sick of some of theess on it. We find that we read more and talk more. Besides, the few shows we actually liked are on Fancast.

Chuck Russe

Anonymous said...

Can't blame you, Chuck. I like to rewatch movies I own, so I couldn't ditch our TV. But it may be possible that one day we'll lose cable. Hulu is the bomb. Never heard of Fancast. I'll have to check it out!

