Paeter is no longer posting to this blog. His new reviews and thoughts on geek entertainment (including all those previously posted here!) can now be found conveniently organized and archived at The Spirit Blade Underground!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

360 "intermission"

I'm currently taking a "forced intermission" from my xbox 360, as it decided to give me the "Open Tray" error. I'm not enough of a hardcore gamer to get the ring of death (I play a max of 2 hours at a time, and not every day) but this still keeps me from playing.

I'm at least grateful that I'm in between games right now, so a few weeks of waiting for repairs shouldn't feel too long. In the meantime, I'm re-enjoying my PS2 favorites (Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance!) and taking advantage of my creative momentum in my audio mixing projects.

So unless microsoft screws something up (more than they've already screwed up the design of their console) I'll be set and ready to go for Final Fantasy in march!


Anonymous said...

A fun PS2 & PS3 game is "Marvel: Ultimate Alliance." You can play with up to four players!

Anonymous said...

I used to own that game, actually! I enjoyed it up until I had to do a side-scrolling "platforming" level where I kept falling and having to start over. (I hugely suck at platformers.) So I sold the game. A perfectly good action-RPG that was ruined for me because they got cute and wanted to be "mario" for one stinking level! Bummer.