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Thursday, January 7, 2010

My Head Hurts

From Volume 2 of Norm Geisler's Systematic Theology:

"Pure Act is only analogous to a being composed of act/potency. The act in act/potency is similar to Pure Act, but the potency in it is different from act. Thus, creatures are both similar and different from their Creator: They are similar in their actuality, but they are different in their potency (act is like Act, but potency is unlike Act). Potency is the limiting factor. Consequently, God is not like the limitations (potency) in creatures- He is only like their actuality."

The context helps quite a bit and some time in the dictionary has proven very valuable. But MAN... my head hurts!


Alan said...

One of my 2010 goals is to read Wayne Grudem's Systematic Theology. I think it's a little easier to read than Geisler's.

I hope. -- Alan

Anonymous said...

I read Grudem's Systematic Theology a few years ago and still use it. I can tell you that it was MUCH easier for me than Geisler's has been. Very well organized and full of great info. It also includes personal application questions and a hymn at the end of each chapter that highlights the focus of the reading.

I enjoyed it a lot and continue to recommend it to people! Hope you enjoy it too!
