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Monday, February 15, 2010

Time To Cheat!

It's been awhile since I've cheated on a video game, but as I'm playing through Final Fantasy 12 again, I feel the need.

Two problems plague this game, as least concerning my tastes. First is the License System. A board you spend earned points on to unlock skills, spells and weapon/armor compatibility. The problem is, unless you have a strategy guide, there's no way to know in advance where the things are that you need to unlock, and so you end up spending precious license points on stuff you don't need and have to level grind to get the skills you want.

Yes, I do have a strategy guide, but I'm just not interested in unfolding a giant paper chart to look at anytime I want to upgrade a character's armor. I did it for awhile by my patience has run thin.

The secondary issue is combat balancing. Not as big of a deal, but now and then, even after hours of level grinding with no plot advancement, I can run into a boss that is far too tough for me. (Demon Wall anyone?)

So I'm cheating with a code for a ton of extra license points so that I can stay way ahead of the curve, if not fill up my board. And since much of the game is still balanced, instead of an experience gaining code, I'm using an "action gauge always full" code for those insanely tough boss fights, so that I can just keep hammering on the bad guys without ever stopping until they're dead. Like having haste on crack. I used it for the Demon Wall fight and found it gave me the edge I needed while still leaving me with an exciting (and not overwhelming) challenge.

I've beaten this game before without using any cheats until the very end (just to fill out my license board), but I'm less patient this time and don't want to play a game that isn't designed to my tastes.

Long live cheat devices!!

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