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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

HeroClix RPG?

Last night I ran my first game of "DC Heroclix" with a friend, but in a non-competitive format I've been playing with. I hate competitive games and I hate collectible games. But this one has been around long enough that for the price of a new boardgame I was able to buy the individual figures I wanted online to create a "set" useful for multiple "campaigns". Since the game is based on a point building system, it's just a matter of re-balancing the points allotted each player to give the heroes an edge. And now with very little modification, I'm running Heroclix much in the same way I would run a game of "Descent". (I play the thugs and villains and my friend plays the team of heroes.)

I've developed a "story arc" made up of 14 "encounters" and it was surprisingly easy! (Being a DC Comics nerd has its advantages.) I think I've discovered a new favorite! (Well, maybe not more fun than "Descent", but very likely tying with it! And MUCH quicker to play!)


Nathan J. Norman said...

Any way you could post these modified rules? I love heroclix . . . but have seen people almost get into fist-fights over it. It's a pretty intense game in its traditional mode.

Anonymous said...

Hey Nathan,

Well, I'm still learning the rules myself, so my tweaks probably wouldn't satisfy everyone. But basically it's just a matter of deciding who the "gamemaster" is and who the "player" is and adjusting the maximum points allotted.

For example, GM gets 60 points (though uses actions as though he were rounded up to the nearest hundred point build) and the player gets 100. GM gets 300 points and the player gets 500.

So far, I've been designing "encounters" based on the figures I have. The story starts with just Batman, and the player gets no choice over what figures he uses at the start. But as he gains allies (through story points in between encounters) his maximum build points increase (in proportion to the encounters I have planned) and he has more choice over who he brings into an encounter.

I'm still playing with it, but it's not a very complicated tweak. The main thing is that I own all of the figures and so can plan these encounters and the story in advance, instead of my buddy bringing his random figures into encounters that might not fit the "flavor text" I've written between encounters.

I'm still very much in the testing phase, and everyone will likely want to tweak the balance to their own tastes, but I'd say just find a willing friend, pick a set of figures and let one of you play "GM" and start designing encounters! If you're interested, I can post my campaign here when I'm done typing it up in the next week or two.



nubie80 said...

Better than Descent???!!!! This game better be darn good.... ;)

Nathan J. Norman said...
