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Monday, August 9, 2010

Sea Of Blood Has Serious Bugs

Had another awesome weekend with my buddy in California as I made my annual trek to his place for a weekend of non-stop gaming. Only this time it wasn't quite "non-stop".

We play the boardgame "Descent" almost exclusively. Fantastic dungeon crawling excitement for hours on end. But this time we started using the expansion "Sea Of Blood" for campaign play. We've been through the "Road To Legend" campaign once already, so we're familiar with how it works. But we both agreed that this expansion felt very "rushed out".

In just the first day or two of playing we caught several text errors (like calling "Deep Elves" "Dark Elves") and a large number of rules and scenario descriptions that leave huge gaps in logic. On two occasions, we spent 30-40 minutes just reading and re-reading the rules on ship to ship battles before we could even get things going. The rules for these sea encounters are more complex than they need to be and the presentation of the rules is inconsistent to the point of being broken.

We're through the worst of it now and it will likely go more smoothly every time we play, but unless you are okay with the idea of inventing your own rules to deal with heavily strategic game play, I'd suggest sticking to "Road To Legend" for your Descent campaign.

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