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Monday, August 16, 2010

Strategy RPGs

I've felt the need for a change of pace in gaming lately. Literally. As much as I dig on Dragon Age and Mass Effect, sometimes i still need some good turn-based goodness.

I've also been in a bit of a board game mood lately, but with a real shortage of people to play with.

So I'm turning my gaze on strategy rpgs like Final Fantasy Tactics, which I own and have played already, and a game I never bought but always wanted to check out, Stella Deus.

Something about moving figures on a grid satisfies my need to strategically move peices on a game board, and the turn-based strategy and inventory management feels like a hand full of cards.

Started FF Tactics last night, but then remembered that I'd seen a cheap copy of Stella Deus at a used gamestore nearby a few months ago (when I was steeped in other games and didn't need it). I'm going to run by today and see if it's still there. It was buried behind a number of other games, so if I'm lucky no one has bought it, but we'll see!

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