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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Stella Deus(Working Around The Flaws)

The clock is ticking. I bought a used copy of Stella Deus for PS2 on Monday and I have until Sunday to figure out whether or not I want to return it for a refund. (I LOVE Gamestop's return policy!)

There are several elements I love about this game. Great graphics for PS2 with a really cool artistic look. Despite being steeped in an anime style, it's a very serious tone. The strategy is also very fulfilling, but at times a bit too challenging. So challenging, in fact, that you are required to level grind at a place called "The Catacomb Of Trials" on a regular basis. (So far, about one trip to the catacombs for every battle in the main story.) There are 50 levels to these "catacombs", but so far they all look the same. A sterile, stone block platform. As near as I can tell, the only thing that changes is the enemies you fight. Very disappointing.

The level grind might not be such a bad thing if I felt like I was actually exploring catacombs. Instead, it feels like Atlus didn't want to take the time to balance the game properly and so inserted this boring level grind location(I can't even call it a dungeon) to solve the problem for them.

Currently, I'm trying to work around this issue with some Codebreaker cheat codes. I may have found the solution, but a side effect of this particular code is that it might make the game a little too easy, so more testing is required. Also, it may have been a fluke or a result of a pretty scratched up disc, but last night when I was using codes, I noticed that on two separate occasions the music cut out, leaving just sound effects playing during combat. Weird.

After work tonight I'll give it one more shot and see if I can find the balance I'm looking for. If that fails, the game goes back and I pick up the Final Fantasy Tactics game I started. (I can always put that six bucks toward Baldur's Gate.)

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