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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Thoughts On "The Omen"(2006)

Had the chance to watch The Omen for free last night. The remake, not the original(which I still haven't seen). Not a bad way to pass the time. Had some good intense moments, solid performances and built tension well. But crap, this movie had some serious logical holes in it.

Set aside for a second the reckless handling of Biblical prophecy. That comes with the territory in these kinds of flicks. But consider this for a moment. All the “religious folk” are pointing to the Bible as proof, saying “this kid is the devil, we gotta kill him!” But if they’re using the Bible to validate the truth of their claim regarding the kid’s identity, they have to believe that the Bible is always accurate, right? And if the Bible is always accurate, then what it says is gonna happen is gonna happen, right? And if something is definitely gonna happen, they can’t do anything to stop it.

In other words, if they think they can REALLY kill this kid, then he might not ACTUALLY be the devil-child they think he is!

My advice to these guys would be to relax, stop trying to kill the kid and just send him and the psycho nanny off to live in the woods. Then read the rest of Revelation and be sure not to skip the part that says how God is gonna wipe out the bad guys without our help. You can put your “magical mystical church knives” away now.

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