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Monday, October 11, 2010

Shows To Keep My Eye On

Although the last three weeks have been intensely busy for me, the magic of Hulu has made it possible for me to catch up with two shows I've been curious about since their marketing campaigns began this summer.

NBC's, "The Event" is a sci-fi political conspiracy thriller, with plenty of mystery to reveal and plenty of action to keep things moving. So far, the pace of revelation has been faster than "Lost" and will hopefully stay that way. Although the use of repeated "flashbacks" conjures bitter memories of lost, this story certainly seems to move forward more and I'm hopeful for good things.

ABC's "No Ordinary Family" aims to fill the gap left by the cancellation of "Heroes" but with a decidedly different feel. Not dark and brooding, though not so light that nothing matters. The show is a blend of family conflict resolution and exploration of super powers, with a subplot indicating a larger world of super powered individuals. Personally, the latter element smells a bit too much like heroes and no one in the cast seems near as freaked out by their powers as I think real people in the real world would be. But there is still enough "realism" to engage me with the characters and the life of this family. It's also nice to see a marriage portrayed with involving relational conflict that doesn't automatically threaten divorce or infidelity. Too often Hollywood forgets that committed marriages have their own sets of interesting challenges and intact homes with loving parents actually CAN be fuel for great stories!

Both shows have their flaws that I hope will be worked out should they be picked up for a second season. But in the meantime, thanks to Hulu, I'm interested enough to keep up with them both as I find free time.

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