Paeter is no longer posting to this blog. His new reviews and thoughts on geek entertainment (including all those previously posted here!) can now be found conveniently organized and archived at The Spirit Blade Underground!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Discovering "Portal"

I have pretty clear preferences when it comes to video games. Unless I have the option to cheat my way through, I avoid games that require me to have good, fast, hand-eye coordination. I avoid games that force you to repeat motions over and over as a result of death or falling or some other outcome. So most "platformers" are out for me.

I generally stick to thinking/strategy type games, like RPGs. Although I have little interest in "puzzle games" like Sudoku and video game equivalents. So although "Portal" has been given rave reviews and been considered revolutionary in the years since its release, I've avoided it because of the combination of platforming and puzzle solving.

However, this weekend Xbox Live Marketplace had a few jaw-dropping price cuts, and one of them was on "Portal". And knowing that my wife likes puzzle solving and I'm always looking for more ways to get her into gaming, I figured that 5 bucks was an investment risk I could handle.

This game is a blast! Short, so far (I'm on level 18/19 with 3 1/2 hours clocked), but a ton of fun! The difficulty scaling has been smooth, and though I still may end up quitting before the end (if the hand-eye requirements become too steep or the repetition from failure becomes too frequent) I can easily say this was worth the cost of a movie rental. (And my wife is almost as hooked as I am!)

I'm also intrigued by the "story", which gives me just a touch of that RPG flavor to hold my interest and keep me persistent. The little details being revealed clearly indicate that not all (or maybe very little) is what the "machine voice" would have me believe it is. Who am I and what is this place really? And what are those weird things I'm wearing on my calves?

Only one way to find out! Better finish my workday and get back to gaming!


Unknown said...

Portal is a blast. I haven't played the game all the way through, but I played it on my brother's Xbox about a year or so ago. Leave it to Valve to come up with something so incredibly creative. :D

Unknown said...

I hope you enjoy your cake,Paeter. ;) F.Y.I After your though the game remember to listen to the closing credits song. Ahh the joys of computers. :)

Anonymous said...

I don't think I'd even heard of Valve before this. I'll have to look and see what else they've made!