Paeter is no longer posting to this blog. His new reviews and thoughts on geek entertainment (including all those previously posted here!) can now be found conveniently organized and archived at The Spirit Blade Underground!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Caroling With A Purpose!

Thanksgiving isn't even here yet, but it's already almost that OTHER time of year again!

Now, I wait every year until my turkey has hit the sewers before putting up decorations and all that Jazz. But some seasonal events take a little more prep, like the caroling ministry I put together each year.

Below, I've copied an informational e-mail I sent out to folks in my church. And if you live in the area or will be around for the Christmas season, you're invited to join us too! Or, you can take the idea and run with it at your church! (If you have any "how to" questions, feel free to comment here and I'll help however I can!)

Doing this each year has been a blast and I can't wait to do it again!

It may not be Thanksgiving yet, but "Merry Christmas" just the same!

Once again this year I'm putting together a caroling group to visit some people that could use some love this Christmas Season! The "Caring Ministry" at Red Mountain Community Church has selected 21 names for us. More than we’ve EVER attempted before! So the need for involvement is great and the potential for ministry even greater! So if you love to sing, or just love to SHOW love, it would be GREAT to have you along! And let me state clearly: You don't have to be a "singer". If you like having fun and want to cheer up some people that could use it, you will never forget this experience!

There are three ways to get involved and you can do one or all three if you'd like:

1. Meet us at the church at 6:30 pm on December 16th, 17th, 20th or 21st (Thursday, Friday, Monday, Tuesday) to go caroling! (We will be done each night by or before 9pm.) Forward this e-mail to folks you know and invite a friend, too! And you’re certainly welcome to come on more than one night!

2. Donate 5 bucks (or more if you’d like) to help buy baskets and goodies for those we visit. If you go this route, please e-mail me how much you will be donating ASAP so I know what we have to work with. You can bring your donation on any night of caroling or e-mail me to schedule a time I can pick it up.

3. Bake some goodies to put in the baskets! Two-dozen of anything yummy would be great and we could always use more if you enjoy baking! I will primarily collect goodies December 14th and 15th (Tuesday and Wednesday), though if you can’t make that deadline and would still like to contribute, I can still collect your goodies up until Saturday the 18th. Please e-mail me and let me know what you'd like to make, how many, and when I can pick it up.

The need is greater than ever this year and I can tell you from personal experience that the small effort involved has a surprisingly massive impact on those we are expressing love to!

Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks so much for your consideration!

Paeter Frandsen

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