Paeter is no longer posting to this blog. His new reviews and thoughts on geek entertainment (including all those previously posted here!) can now be found conveniently organized and archived at The Spirit Blade Underground!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Looking Into DVR

I may finally be stepping out of the stone age of TV technology. Or at least TV recording technology. All these DVD burners and DVR thingies like Tivo just haven't had any appeal for me. We've had a perfectly good VCR for years, and if I like a show enough I can buy it on DVD.

But a few months ago(or has it been years now?), every signal went digital, and our VCR just wasn't up to the challenge. (Not to mention it's never even been able to receive signals for channels over 121.) This wasn't a problem for awhile. With websites like Hulu or network sites showing full episodes online, I could easily catch up on shows I missed watching live.

But suddenly, in just one month, I ran into two shows that are not available for free viewing online anywhere that I could find. The Cartoon Network "Young Justice" pilot and AMCs "The Walking Dead". Two great shows that I will definitely be watching in the future.

So it seems the time has come at last to find out how much it will add to our cable bill to get a DVR. (Sigh.)

I was perfectly happy with the way things were. Why do some technological advances seem like such a step backward?

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