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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Batman Soundtrack You Never Hear

I've got the soundtrack to Batman stuck in my head. It's been there for a few days now, though I haven't heard it in years. And it's not the soundtrack you're thinking of. Danny Elfman had no hand in it (neither did Prince, thank goodness) and you won't hear it thundering under Christian Bale, either. It's not the campy Adam West theme or even the awesome music from the 90's animated series.

No, I'm talking about the music for the video game adaptation of the first Tim Burton Batman movie. The game was released on NES with only a rough connection to the plot of the movie. The game ripped off a number of elements from Ninja Gaiden, but in all the right ways. And for some reason, although the soundtrack didn't pull a single bar from Danny Elfman's score, it stands out as very memorable. Even hearing it in my head makes me want to blow the dust out of my cartridge for another run through 8-bit Gotham City.

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