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Friday, July 8, 2011

Considering Watching X-Files

I'm thinking about starting to watch X-Files. Yeah, I know it ended almost 10 years ago, so I'm a little behind.

I remember when the show first started. I was in 9th grade and still mostly preferred Saturday morning cartoons over prime-time sci-fi, although by that time I was watching Star Trek: The Next Generation faithfully every week, and catching up in syndication on weeknights.

I can't remember exactly why I didn't watch more than a couple episodes of X-Files then. I remember being suitably creeped out, so it must have been fairly good television. Maybe I wasn't much into creepy shows back then. Or maybe, because of Star Trek, I was expecting my sci-fi and fantasy to be less "grounded" and more otherworldly.

For whatever reason, I didn't watch the show. And a few years later when it looked like something I might like, I was so far behind. Having heard about the complex "mythos" of the show, I figured I missed my shot at following the show and really knowing what was going on. (DVD sets of TV shows also weren't around much yet to help me catch up.)

Now years later, I'm starved for good television. AMC's "The Walking Dead" (freakin' AWESOME!!) won't start again till mid fall and will be another very short season. I was unimpressed with the pilot for "Fringe" and so never watched more of that. (I've heard it's really good, but after being burned by sudden "cliffhanger cancellations" of amazing shows like "The Sarah Connor Chronicles", I've resolved to wait for most shows to finish airing completely before investing my time and emotion in them.) I've also been told I should try out "Chuck", which will be starting it's final season this fall. But as is my new custom, I'll still be waiting for that one to completely finish.

I seem to be feeling a hunger for good, dark, sci-fi TV, and the prices for seasons have dropped to less than 10 bucks on amazon, so X-Files seems like a decent bet.

I'm sure the effects will show some age, but it also happens that I didn't discover the Highlander TV show until after it was finished, and I still love watching those DVDs. Even with the synthy 90's music and fashion sensibilities.


kevbayer said...

I've been thinking about starting X-files too since it's on Netflix. I watched it off and on when it was on broadcast TV - but never really watched it faithfully until the last 3 or 4 seasons.

Paeter Frandsen said...

Cool! Let's reconnect and compare notes after watching season 1!

Kat Heckenbach said...

I LOVED the X-Files when it was on. I started watching Fringe when it first premiered, and while I thought that first episode was okay...I kept thinking, "It just isn't the X-Files."

You're making me want to go back and watch the series on DVD (that and Star Trek NG)...but right now I'm trying to get caught up on Dr. Who :).

Anonymous said...

X-Files, especially old X-Files is both good and bad, depending on the video files. The direct tv rips (even if they are from the master files) can be grainy with ok sound, but not the best.

I tell ya, you might be a small bit disappointed with the first season, but they get better.


Paeter Frandsen said...

I'm enjoying it so far! My eyes have adjusted to the grain you mentioned, taco. But I do wish the sound had some more bass to give my sub-woofer.

If you ever come back to X-Files, Kat, I'd be interested to hear how it holds up years later on a second viewing!