Paeter is no longer posting to this blog. His new reviews and thoughts on geek entertainment (including all those previously posted here!) can now be found conveniently organized and archived at The Spirit Blade Underground!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Descent Weekend!

Has it really been a year since I last drove out to California for a "Descent Weekend" with my buddy Mark? Either way, it's that time again!

Tomorrow I leave work and family behind and live the live of a nerdy bachelor again for an extended marathon weekend!

I'll get to Mark's place sometime late Thursday night and we'll be rolling dice before lunch on Friday! These weekends are always more intense than when Mark comes to visit me in Arizona, since he often has family and friends in the area that he is somewhat obligated to at least share a meal with. I, on the other hand, know almost no one else in the area where he lives. He also usually takes a day off from work when I come out, extending our time even further. In fact, it's not uncommon when we game at his place, for me to hit a "wall" at some point, when I start to burn out and we have to either play a different game for a bit, watch a movie or at least go for a walk.

By the end, I've usually had my itch scratched for a few months more and drive home Sunday afternoon in a state of nerdly contentment and a belly full of pizza, pepsi and other assorted crap foods. Ahh, good times.

Let the games begin!

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